Details Overview
Animals unleashed within: teamwork, collaboration, and mutual growth in a “zoo”.
The strategy for Lion + Panda began relatively straightforward – provide development for their large industrial, educational, and healthcare clients. As time passed, we began to utilize our preferred methods of development and database management techniques which then went on to larger scale implementation.
During our build phase with Lion + Panda we began implementing process-oriented systems including installing Git onto their servers, suggesting dynamic modular designs, and creating an environment for other members of their team to come in to bolster the overall productivity of their hybrid model.
The results of our modern implementation have been immensely effective. From creating technical oversight recommendations & reports by analyzing client communications to accustoming .NET developers with PHP MVC frameworks, we have created a dynamic atmosphere for Lion + Panda’s technical team.
The Results
We put systems in place and taught designers to understand the development process.
Version Control Implemented
By teaching their contractors how to use git and other tools, we were able to scale client projects by creating development, staging, and production servers.
Mutual Team Growth
During our work with Lion + Panda, their team and our agency were able to grow side-by-side through mutual skillsets, daily collaboration, and our combined forces.
Increased Expectations
A change in ownership at Lion + Panda resulted in a dire need of their developer and designer to work closer together. Our consultation helped make that happen.
How can we help?
Our solutions solve both simple and complex human problems. Begin with a gambit.